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Friday, October 15, 2010


Love is the emotion of strong affection and personal attachment. In philosophical context, love is a virtue representing all of human kindness, compassion, and affection. In religiouscontext, love is not just a virtue, but the basis for all being ("God is Love"), and the foundation for all divine law (Golden Rule).

The word love can refer to a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes, ranging from generic pleasure ("I loved that meal") to intense interpersonal attraction ("I love my wife"). "Love" can also refer specifically to the passionate desire and intimacy of romantic love, to the sexual love of eros (cf. Greek words for love), to the emotional closeness of famiial love, or to the platonic love that defines friendship, to the profound oneness or devotion ofreligious love. This diversity of uses and meanings, combined with the complexity of the feelings involved, makes love unusually difficult to consistently define, even compared to other emotional states.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Love marriage

A love marriage is a union of two individuals based upon mutual love, affection, commitment and attraction. While the term has little discrete meaning in the theWestern world, where most marriages are considered to be 'based in love,' the term has meaning elsewhere to indicate a concept of marriage which differs from the norms of arranged marriage and forced marriage.
The term has found usage in South Asia and Middle-Eastern countries which have strong traditional arranged marriage systems where the family of the woman, the man, or of both, arrange the marriage for the individuals. Normally these kind of marriages do not involve any consideration to the couple's feelings or wishes and are seen as a mere form of social transaction and to keep (or reach) a certain social status.
Depending on the culture, love marriages may be unpopular

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Thursday, October 7, 2010